300 x 53 mm
Ruler, Ships meeting at sea 1689, Van de Velde. Measures in both centimers and inches: 30 cm and 12 inches.
Tags: marine, dutch masterpieces
300 x 53 mm
Ruler, Ships meeting at sea 1689, Van de Velde. Measures in both centimers and inches: 30 cm and 12 inches.
Tags: marine, dutch masterpieces
<p><strong>Article: </strong>WRUW000012<br /><strong>Dimensions:</strong> 300 x 53 mm</p>
<p><strong>Article: </strong>WRUW000008<br /><strong>Dimensions:</strong> 300 x 53 mm</p>
<p><strong>Article: </strong>WRUW000006<br /><strong>Dimensions:</strong> 300 x 53 mm</p>
Ruler, Rembrandt. Sizes in both centimeters and inches: 30 cm and 12 inches.
Transparant acrylate art ruler for both centimeters and inches. Available in several different designs. Please contact us for custom made wishes for your museum giftshop products or souvenirshop items.